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Event Access - Bringing Designers Together



As part of our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, we launched our Event Access program in 2020, which offers college students who are underrepresented in industrial design—primarily BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), female-identified, non-binary, LGBTQ+, neurodiverse and individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities—complimentary access in the form of free admission to events produced by the Industrial Designers Society of America.


This program helps provide professional development and personal networking opportunities for young designers who otherwise wouldn't have the resources to attend these kind of industry events. Event Access enables Design Foundation to be a catalyst in dismantling long-standing inequities and transforming the industrial design industry from within so that it better reflects the diversity of our community.


Funding comes from the generosity of our community. When an attendees purchase a ticket for an IDSA event, they have the option to also donate to the Design Foundation. These funds are combined with donations to the Design Foundation's General Fund to support the Event Access program. In the two years Event Access has been offered, over 100 individuals have been able to participate in IDSA events. You can support this program by making a donation here.




How it Works

Design Foundation partners with the Industrial Designers Society of America, which produces several large-scale, ticketed design events throughout the year.


These events highlight the latest trends, practice methodologies, and impact of industrial design.


For 2022, a total of 10 (virtual attendee) tickets will be available for each event listed.

Students currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States, studying industrial design or a related discipline may apply anytime throughout the year.


You may apply to attend multiple events, however only one ticket per year is granted per applicant.


Details about the 2023 program will be announced soon.


Design Foundation staff work with members of IDSA's DEIC and other Design Foundation designees to select recipients, each of whom are given complimentary registration to the upcoming IDSA event indicated in the application.​






Details about the 2023 program will be announced soon.


"The International Design Conference was an incredible opportunity that offered a second curriculum to my design education, much of which I was happy to share with the rest of my program at UHID."
- Karina Bhattacharya, University of Houston
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"I had an amazing time at the virtual IDSA Women in Design conference. So empowering to hear the stories of women and listen to their journeys of becoming well-established designers."
- Miranda Rokes, Iowa State University
"The IDC was an amazing opportunity to hear firsthand not only from designers about their experiences and insight on design but also from those who are still learning to navigate it. It was a valuable experience that fostered collaborative dialogue and provided people the perfect platform to do so."
- Nicole Huelar, San Jose State University
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“The IDC was refreshing and re-energized me for any upcoming projects and jobs. They highlighted designers from all over the world, which gave me a new perspective and approach to human centered design, healthcare design, and education. I am excited to apply this knowledge further down the line.”
- Lafayette Doty, University of Illinois at Chicago
“I found the IDC to be incredibly inspiring. As a 24-hour Zoom event with speakers from around the world, it made me feel very connected to a global design community, especially during this very disconnected time. It was also a great opportunity to connect with design professionals, whom I’ve continued to have conversations with after the event.”
- Anna Rindos, Pratt Institute
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“I really enjoyed the conference! I’m so glad I was able to go…My favorite session was definitely ‘Sketching to Communicate’ with Spencer Nugent. Those tips and skills were things I could immediately apply to my class projects.”
- Bianca Frazier, Iowa State University
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